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TDVA Comfort Programs

TDVA has helped thousands of Veterans with comfort items with the help of the Audie L. Murphy VA Volunteer Services, DDS George Metz and Staff of Kendall Woods Dental 25 FM 3351 South Boerne, TX (pictured above). We are able to reach hospitalized and homeless Veterans alike. The program provides items that we so often take for granted.

This Program is managed at the Veterans Administrative Volunteer Services San Antonio, Texas by Joyce Brown Administrative Chief (shown above). Some of the items that are provided are: hygiene items that people might need while they are an inpatient, tooth brushes, tooth paste, dental floss and tote bags. We at TDVA donate monies for the remainder items like razors, shampoo, and body wash, also bus tickets for Homeless Veterans to get to and from their appointments. With the cuts already affecting services at the VA we at TDVA applaud all those involved. Our aging veterans of all eras are always in great need.