7th Annual Welcome Home Event
Over 500 Service Members, volunteers, vendors, veterans and their families attended the 7th Annual Welcome Home Event In celebration of Armed Forces Day on Saturday, May 19, 2018. The event began at 10:30 AM and lasted until 2 PM, with Opening Ceremonies beginning at 11 AM. Admission was free and everyone enjoyed visiting with over 30 vendors spanning over 90 tables at the Morgan’s Wonderland Event Center and Gymnasium. There was live band music, an individual singer, DJ music, games, prizes and food was provided by Chick-fil-A, Bill Miller and Domino’s Pizza. This event allows veterans the opportunity to connect with their peers and network with service organizations to discuss Veterans entitlements, educational opportunities, handling health care issues, new available medical treatments, and recreational sporting activities. TDVA handed out business cards, miniature US flags, candy, and flyers about our ongoing programs. TDVA also set up a military exhibit honoring our Veterans, provided by Dan Castillo. A Fencing demonstration was given by Coach Gary of Van der Wege Acadamie d’ Armes from the UIW Brainpower Center for Fencing & International Sports. A big thank you to the South Texas Veterans Health Care System and Morgan’s Wonderland as host sponsors and Mobility Works as event sponsor.