Adaptive Sports
The Texas Disabled Veterans Association (TDVA) had 2 veteran adaptive wheelchair athletes participate in the 2023 Battle for the Alamo Power Soccer Tournament held on April15-16. The tournament began with 5 teams in the hunt for the Championship trophy. TDVA’s 3 adaptive wheelchair veterans played on the winning team the San Antonio STRAPS Scorpions! The STRAPS Scorpions won all of it’s games to capture this year’s Championship. One veteran was ill and couldn’t compete.
The Texas Disabled Veterans Association provided a donation to Morgan’s Wonderland Sports Program to cover lunch and upcoming travel expenses. Monies provided lunches for 35 athletes during the tournament. Other monies will be used for team travel to the upcoming 2023 US Power Soccer Conference Cup Series in Ft. Wayne, Indiana. TDVA encourages all veterans and people with disabilities to stay active and enjoy social activities.