Adopt a Veteran Gift Basket
On December 9, 2016 TDVA Donated 5 Christmas Baskets designed to feed 4 to 6 people per basket. This Adopt a Veteran program was started two years ago and is thus far a big success. The Social workers at the Veterans Administration identify Veterans and their families first, then individual Veterans that might not have a Christmas dinner. The connection is made and the Baskets/Dinners are given out to those most in need. A special thank you to all those that give to our organization so that we can give back to all those that need it most this holiday season. Each basket contains: 1 box potatoes, 1 stuffing, 1 mac & cheese, 1 can cranberry, 1 can sweet corn, 1 corn bread mix, 1 brown gravy mix, 1 bag pinto beans, 1 ready crust pan, 1 can leaf pie filling and $25.00 gift card for ham or turkey, God Bless.