TDVA Attends BTC Event
On January 26, 2014, the Texas Disabled Veterans Association provided Bill Miller’s BBQ for the 2nd Annual Celebration of Beyond The Chair (BTC) and the 1st Beyond The Chair’s SCI/Neurological Disability Support Group get-together. This socializing event was held at Beyond The Chair located at 5310 Jackwood STE 2, San Antonio, Texas. Over 30 BTC clients, family members, caregivers, and staff members attended the event. Each client introduced themselves and shared their stories of injury and recovery and how BTC has improved their mental and physical well-being. BTC staff members also introduced themselves, sharing their training experiences, and goals as Neuro Fitness Specialists. Special thanks to Neuro Fitness Specialists (Kourtney Gamache, Johnny Rivera and Amanda Johnston) and new interns and cofounders Laura Dominguez-Tauer and Nito Blochlinger (Neuro Fitness Specialist) for creating a unique adaptive exercise gym. Beyond The Chair exists to provide an improved quality of life for individuals with spinal cord injuries and other neurological/physical disabilities through intensive exercise programs to enhance overall functional capacity. BTC’s highly motivated and skilled staff of Neuro-Fitness Specialists utilizes exercise principles, techniques, and modalities that are adapted to enhance the strength, endurance, and mobility of each individual with functional limitations. We strongly believe that our program is a great approach to bridge the gap between healthcare and fitness professionals.
Pictured above everyone who attended the event. Please contact Beyond The Chair at (210) 256-0700, e-mail nitob@beyondthechair.org or visit Website: http://www.beyondthechair.org