PTSD & Mental Heath, Our Battle for Veterans
On January 4, 2012, TDVA attended the “PTSD & Mental Health, Our Battle for Veterans” hosted by the San Antonio Coalition for Veterans. Over 70 Veterans organizations attended the meeting with guest speaker Rev. Dr. Chrys Parker a clinical chaplain, pastoral counselor and trauma therapist who has provided care for over 2500 traumatized persons. Dr. Parker specializes in the spiritual and psychological care of those who suffer from PTSD as a result of combat, critical burn injury and sexual assault, and provides professional consultation and education to physicians, surgeons, and psychiatrists. The meeting was held at the Alamo Area Council of Governments. There were many other great speakers who addressed the issues of PTSD among the Veteran community. Please visit www.sacv.org and learn more about Dr. Parker’s program at www.mybacktothewall.com